
Power Supply Monster, Grrr!!


First off, what could be more awesome then putting faces on inanimate objects? Think about it, wouldn’t a toaster look much cooler with some googley eyes on it? Maybe put some little horrified faces on your bread slices? Okay that could be a little grim, so lets put a face on something that isn’t a bread eating monster. Meet Mr. Powersupply robot guy thing.

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The Go! Team – Junior Kickstart

Music “Junior Kickstart” by The Go! Team

How can you not like a band that has an exclamation point in there name. You can’t even read their name with out it shouting at you, its crazy. Heres some links to their other stuff, its hard to describe the type of music this falls under. Its loud, raw, full of energy, and poppy. Blends of synths, horns, guitar riffs, rap, etc. Crazy stuff.

Keys to the City – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU1Ki1QsqLg&feature=channel

Milk Crisis – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMeJx1jP2C0&feature=related

The Wrath of Marcie – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWvgPzfReMY&feature=channel